Friday, July 23, 2010

Grad School Redux

This afternoon starting at 430 PM, I begin grad school.  Rather, I re-begin grad school.  I resume grad school?

I'd just begun a Master's program at VPI in Instructional Technology in the summer of 2008 when, mid-summer, I followed an unexpected but awesome opportunity that lead me here, to South Boston, Virginia,  and my position as a curriculum coordinator.  I moved here with 6 credits completed and since then –despite the online and asynchronous convenience of that MEd program, and working nights after teaching and other regular job duties and weekends mostly– I've completed an additional 0 hours.  Nada.  Zip.  None.

So two years after beginning, I find myself beginning again, but this time in an actual classroom, on campus where I already work, offered with a real life instructor and real peers, in an accelerated program that promises my MEd in 15 months for around $10K.  So long, alma mater.  Hello, Averett University.
